The first concert we saw in Leipzig and on the trip was the Gewandhaus Quintet, and wow what an impression to start out the trip! The setting of the concert was so relaxed and inviting, very fitting for the title of the concert, The Concert After Work. The performance took place on the second level of the Gewandhaus in the foyer. Comfy sofas and chairs were brought in and surrounded the quintet that looked on to the audiences and out the large windows where you could see the opera house all lit up. They had red tinted lighting to set the mood, and of course wine and champagne was offered for those who desired. The quintet themselves were outstanding. They even came back out for an encore performance. It was quick and sweet, just want someone would need after a long day of work.

The next performance we saw in Leipzig was the Threepenny Opera. Before we left on the trip each of us were assigned on of these performances to present to the class and the Threepenny Opera was mine. As we waited for Professor Powell to locate our tickets, we all observed that the attire of the audience was very diverse. There were some in jeans, others in dresses and slacks. It was a very odd atmosphere for what we had all expected from an Opera. Well this "odd atmosphere" related to the opera perfectly. In my research I found that the main character Mac was rescued from execution by the queen and given a large estate and riches. In this version of the opera we could not figure out how Mac was saved. In the end, a man on a flying horse appeared, Mac smiled and then ran up a set of stairs symbolizing what we thought were the heavens. The entire performance was just a little more relaxed and musical then what we had walked in expecting. To go from the relaxing Gewandhaus Quintet to the estranged Threepenny Opera were definitely on different ends of the spectrum. But we took it as an experience and moved on to looking forward to the next night of the Gewandhaus Orchestra.

Last but not least the Gewandhaus Orchestra was our last performance and final night in Leipzig and it did not disappoint. Again the atmosphere was relaxing and inviting, and the music was incredible. On the way home from the concert it began to snow adding to the magical experience of the night.

For not being a music major I was very encouraged at all of the concerts. I may not be able to identify which brass instrument is playing at what time, which style of music is being played, however I can have an opinion on the sound and to me it was all breath taking. I am so fortunate to tour Europe and have the musical experience. Leipzig started in my mind as a small town with a few important sites, but overall pretty boring. I left with an amazing impression of the music created, the history of music within the city, and warms thoughts towards a small little town in Germany. I may not return to Leipzig, however it was a location that I am very proud to say I have visited. These are experiences that I will never be able to have again.
One stop down, three more to go!
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