Wittenberg was such a pleasant surprise. I am not Lutheran nor am I very familiar with Martin Luther and the story, but seeing the expression on my classmates faces that were familiar with the history was awesome. The beauty of the city and the churches was astounding. The first church we entered was Martin Luther's home church where he had baptized his children. We spent a great deal of time here admiring the beauty of the church and the history that the walls had witnessed. In a small room off the main hall was a cave-like choir chamber. This had to be my favorite part of the church. The door was painted with a beautiful mural, the walls were bare stone and there were two little windows that let in the perfect amount of natural light. When walking into the room I instantly got chills. I could feel the importance of what I was witnessing and absorbing every second of it.
Once we were down with Martin Luther's home church we moved onto the church where the 95 theses were posted. Unfortunately that church is being renovated so we were unable to look inside, however we were able to see the door where the theses were posted. I could see the importance of this moment in the eyes of my classmates as well as Dr. Powell, it was awesome to see such joy and honor on their faces as they saw the history right before their eyes.
After the little tour of the city we found a very delicious restaurant and enjoyed the company of one another. The group was small enough that we were able to have great conversation and get to know each other a little bit more. I was very very pleased with the trip overall. An event in history that I still do not know much about made a large impact on my trip to Germany. The little side excursion was well worth it, and a lot of fun.
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