On our first day in Prague, the continuous walking and dancing finally took it's toll on my left kneecap, and I've been walking with a limp for the last few days in great pain, with what I assume to be some swollen tendons around my patella.
Since entering Prague I've been surrounded by nothing but beauty. The buildings, the music, the women, the dancing. But nothing could prepare me for what I experienced tonight.

While attending a concert of the Czech Philharmonic, I was blown away by their violin soloist Janine Jansen, as she played the Concerto for violin and orchestra no. 1 in G minor by Max Bruch. She came on stage in a stunning red dress, a true picture of beauty. I was expecting a great performance, but what I got was so much more. The orchestra began, and a few moments later, she started playing. With her first phrase my hands gripped my knees, not from the pain in my leg, but to stop the overwhelming wave of shivers as every hair on my body stood on end.

By her second phrase, I was helpless and at her utter mercy. She didn't just play to the audience, she danced with us, whispered to us, cried, and shouted at us. Every single note she played seem to be reaching out to us in hopes that we would catch it and understand what she was trying to say. Her music got up and danced with every crescendo. With every violent stroke of her bow she yelled at us with a passion unknown in any spoken language.

Then she played so soft and tenderly, forcing me to lean forward in anticipation as if she was getting ready to whisper a secret in my ear, only to smile and dart away before I could hear it, leaving me gasping for more.
It was inspiring to hear such an amazing soloist, and my drive to become an even greater performer has meaning again. Although in time I may forget the tiny details of her performance, the impact it had on me will live on for some time. That is the goal of every performer. She reached me.
Now to pick up my instrument upon my return and do my best to reach those that I play to as well.
A very moving description. Thanks for sharing. Ice the knee.