The first day we had a free day so we got to explore the city!
This is the music school that Lyndi, Ingrid and I found. We wanted to go inside but it was only open to students of the school, Bummer. Just means I'll have to come back again! :)
On the second day in Leipzig we walked to the Die Neues Rathaus, which is the really really tall tower in the picture above! It is located right in the center of the officially government building of Leipzig! Pretty awesome. After some getting lost, we finally made it to the tour of the tower. After walking up tons of stairs and slightly awkward German tour, we reached the top, which I have to say, was breathtaking.

Later the same night was our first concert! The Gewandhaus Brass Quintet!! I was so excited, obviously. As a trumpet player I feel really close to brass quintet music, it is one of my favorite types of music. They were incredible. Their Bach Contrapunctus was literally life changing. It was so awesome to see world from a wide range of composers arranged for brass.
Today, day 3, we visited the Bach Museum as well as the St Thomas Church were Bach was employed. 

The Bach museum was awesome. My favorite part was looking at the different handwriting and techniques used to print and write music back when Bach was composing as well as the copies of original sheet music that was in the museum.
The Church of St Thomas was also very beautiful.
It was a surreal experience being able to walk inside where Bach actually worked. One of the things that stood out to me today however was placing flowers on Bach's tomb. You can't explain the feeling of laying a rose on the tomb of someone who literally created your career with how much they influenced classical music. I can't even begin to think about what classical music would be like today without Bach. This was an experience I will not forget.

So I guess you can say so far it has been pretty fun! I am loving all the food and different things we have explored so far, giant water features inside malls, eating at the curry cult, seeing my first opera and just exploring Leipzig. Don't get me wrong, it's day three and I'm tired, but it's all worth it. This is going to continue to be an amazing trip with amazing people and I am so blessed for the opportunity to be here. I can't wait for what comes next!
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