Thursday, February 4, 2016

Let them eat cake!

While in Salzburg, we were fortunate enough to be there for Mozart's birthday. At six o'clock that evening, a crowd gathered outside Mozart's birth house while a brass quintet played from inside and a huge cake was brought out in celebration of the day. It was rather cut-throat to get up to the front table for a piece of cake, but I persevered and eventually was awarded slice. It turned out there was more cake than crowd, so I'm not quite sure why everyone was so pushy. It was a chocolate cake with fondant on top picturing Mozart's profile, signature, and some music notes. I was handed the slice with the ending "g" of Wolfgang in his signature. While it was not so fun to be shoved around in a crowd, knowing I was going to hear the Vienna Philharmonic perform Mozart's Haffner Symphony that same evening more than made up for it.

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