Monday, February 1, 2016


First impressions of Wien (Vienna) have been positive for the most part. The city center where Saint Stephens Cathedral is located is a truly beautiful area. Even though Wien is a very old city, the streets in the downtown area are massive! Cars are also not allowed on the strip so as a pedestrian you feel very safe. A weird thing that a few of us noticed is even though there are crazy amounts of people everywhere, it's almost dead silent. I'm not lying when I say that you could hear a pen drop and this is in the middle of downtown. The people are quite soft spoken and the streets do a very good job of absorbing sound. For a New York styled city, the atmosphere here is definitely more inviting.

A group of us decided to venture into the Catacombs of Saint Stephens. This is the first catacombs I had ever been in so I didn't quite know what to expect. When we reached the unrenevated sections, it was creepier than I imagined. The walls and floor were made out of bones that were thankfully painted over so you couldn't really tell, but was still unsettling. Then there was a cut out in the floor that was filled with 2,000 plague victims. There were chambers filled with the tombs of old priests and another room called the bone house where the bones were stacked like Lincoln Logs. Apparently when the Catacombs were running out of space, prisoners were forced to go and clean every individual bone, and stack them efficiently to create more space. Needless to say it was incredibly creepy. No photos were able to be taken so I suppose you'll just have to take my word for it.

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