Monday, January 25, 2016

Instrument Museum!!

Wow! What an absolutely insane place. The Czech Museum of Music houses some 700,000 items related
in some way to music. My favorite section was the latter half, which showcased many crazy
instruments that I had never seen. The first half had a lot of neat stuff, but most of it was
related to composers and musicians that I know nothing about. In the first half, I liked looking at
all of the different "everyday" items of the musicians and composers. We saw straight razors, paper
fans, even someones dog that they had taxadermied. The dog was pretty crazy, especially if you did
not expect it (no one did).

The second floor had a lot of instruments from different time periods. Not only that, but it also
had a bunch of inventive instruments, including a lot of quarter-tone instruments. My favorite was the
quarter-tone piano, but they also had quarter-tone clarinets. In the quarter-tone clarinets, there
were seven extra side keys to adjust the tone. I didn't really like the sound of the duet that was
played by the quarter tone clarinets, but to each their own I guess. We couldn't really figure out
how the quarter-tone piano worked; there were three different keyboards, each offset with the keys being in the spaces of the previous keyboard (There is a picture below depicting this). The track we listened to was interesting, however there was no set scale or pattern for the quarter-tone steps, like there would be in an arabic scale or something similar, so it was a little unsettling.

Another room that I had a great time in was the crazy brass room. There were several double-belled brass, and other crazy inventions. My favorite was the serpent, which was a keyed instrument that sounded like you mixed a french horn with an old man. Unfortunately, its a unique sound that I cannot describe that well.

Old Woodwinds

The harp room

The brass room

A "glass harmonica"

The quarter-tone piano!

Das Hund!

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