Sunday, January 17, 2016

Stunning Swan Lake

If only my memories were as vivid as witnessing the real thing! If only there were some way to become enveloped in the sheer beauty of Swan Lake again, one more time, two more times, ten... I feel like I could see last night's performance over and over, and find something new to appreciate every time.

I'll admit, I was incredulous at first. My first - and only - experience with professional ballet was a more modern, interpretive show, and I remember the set and costumes looking very gray. Last night's performance of Swan Lake, however, was simply awe-inspiring, with phenomenal choreography, stunning costumes, and a set that was so colorful, so delicately designed, so aesthetically perfect that I could not believe it was real. Dancers effortlessly flung themselves across the stage, and a wordless, dramatic story unfolded over a three hour period, capturing the imaginations of all in attendance. Everyone was so in-sync - I kept my eyes peeled in anticipation of someone, somewhere, making an incorrect step or twirl, but nothing struck me as out of the ordinary. I greatly admired their athleticism, and secretly wished that I, too, could have an ounce of the strength required to pull off such amazing physical feats!

The music was also a highlight of the evening. Though I had previously not been a huge fan of Tchaikovsky, the pit orchestra played so delicately that I could not help but fall in love with Swan Lake's score. Whoever played the first violin solos was incredibly skillful, and I greatly appreciated the wholly-Russian sound created by omnipresent wind and brass parts. I was especially enthralled by the harp solos as well - I was SO impressed by the spot-on arpeggios of the pit orchestra's harpist that I immediately felt jealous of her perfection. I suppose, if anything, it served as a reminder to always keep practicing, so that I, too, can one day play so well.

I was so spellbound by the performance that, after it was over, I could not believe three hours had actually passed. I did not anticipate turning into a fan of ballet, but after last night, I definitely wanted to broaden my horizons and look into ballet productions of other shows back home! Thank you, Berlin, for teaching me how to love yet another form of incredible art!

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